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Wednesday, 18 February 2015


"A rose can never be a sunflower and a sunflower
can never be a rose. All flowers are beautiful in their own way,
 and that's like women." - Miranda Kerr

Being a late bloomer, I was subject to some bullying. It wasn't excessive, but it need not have been excessive for me to feel hurt and hateful at the time. Being called small and short made me bitter, and that is why I now hold my height as my proudest asset, especially for an Asian. However this is not to say that I in turn judge smaller people. Firstly I understand what it feels like to be physically small and everyone else being so much taller. Secondly, I applaud them for their amazing personalities, in all honesty I have found that smaller people tend to have a greater confidence. God is fair.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015


"You're thinking of something, my dear,
 and that makes you forget to talk." - Lewis Carroll

One of the most twisted sensations a person can experience is the feeling of returning home after a long holiday, back to a safe comfortable routine of everyday living. The emotions felt are relief, joy and satisfaction all in the midst of nostalgia, emptiness and slight bitterness: 'I want to return'.  

And so for these three short weeks, returning from my brief travel overseas to China and Taiwan, I have been thrown back into work mode and the usual routine of life. With studies yet to begin in the end of February and piano lessons around the same time, it's not that bad yet, but I have found myself just too lazy to leave home. Currently I'm just blaming it on my post-excessive traveling.  I'm self-diagnosing it as 'faded mood', symptoms are often likened to introversion.

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