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Tuesday, 17 March 2015


  "Make it simple, but significant."
- Don Draper

It is indeed a rare occasion that for once my over-thinking mind was a portrait of blank space. I had not a single vision to write about, no burning knowledge to enlighten nor empower you with in hopes that you leave this page inspired. I guess it is to my own comfort that for once my congested mind is not a complete chaotic mess, but an empty slate of nothingness. In saying that, ironically I came to some epiphany for this article: Simplicity.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015


 Wanderlust (n.) /ˈwɒndəlʌst/: A very strong and irresistible
impulse or desire to travel the world. 

This is the year of travels. It's now or never. With my law degree starting now and internships next year, studies won't permit me any other time. Even Mama Chen advises me to travel now, for most of my friends are still single and we can experience travelling the 'single' way. This year so far, only two months in, I have already done China, Taiwan and Indonesia. However I do hope to leave the Asian continent to go further as I have finally gotten over my plane phobia that has haunted me for all my life. And above that, I hope to do more travelling alongside my friends as it opens up to a whole new experience. Here is the compilation from my adventure with them in Bali, I hope this inspires you to explore the world as well, and to find yourself in the process.

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