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Tuesday, 30 June 2015


"Everything will be okay in the end. 
If it's not okay, it's not the end."
- John Lennon

Life consists of shades of many colours, and at times you may be served with only grey, like this article here (and let's avoid making any 50 Shades of Grey puns). But like how it is in life, it's what you make of it, and even with just grey, we can create something beautiful. Acquire the skill to see beyond the grey, because if you want to be happy all you have to do is learn to feel happy. Everything is in the mindset. Sometimes in grey is when we see the clearest, to the finest details because colours no longer distract us. After bitter days is when we taste the sweetest joys. Please don't ever feel alone, as we grow older and meet more people who open up to us about their stories, you will learn that no single soul is truly untouched by pain. Learn to be grateful about yesterday, to be blessed for today, and to be hopeful towards tomorrow.

Thursday, 18 June 2015


"I'm a modern woman in the sense of I take care of myself,
 I'm fiercely independent, and I'm really ambitious.
 Yet I have these old-school thoughts in my mind."
- Eva Mendes 

This one is for them boys, men... males, on behalf of girls, women... females. Whatever you call yourselves. I find it a touchy subject to talk about gender roles publicly because views are somewhat controversial. The conflict is gender roles are generic and people are complex. Yet here I am today risking being publicly attacked to try help some of you boys out, enlighten you (whilst indirectly helping the ladies out). To all those guys out there who are interested in someone, pursuing someone or starting off with someone... Yes I hope you're reading this because you're going to benefit from it. Actually everyone will benefit from this, it's a life lesson about humans. The lesson to take away is don't make assumptions.

Yes it's quite tough in the 21st century with all this feminism going on, females fighting for equal rights, you guys just don't know where you should stand with us. Is she the type to want the man to act traditionally - pay for dinner, drive her around, carry her bags/books? Or does she want him to treat her exactly equal? One of the lessons is there's no point asking her. So here's the breakdown:

Thursday, 4 June 2015


"We travel not to escape life,
 but for life not to escape us."

Moments away from home puts things in perspective. It's true we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us. We are only ever truly living in the present when we are taken out of our mundane routine of life and put in a different environment, and it is then that we can learn to truly appreciate the things we already have.

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