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Tuesday, 20 October 2015


"Let ourselves be seen, deeply, vulnerably... Practice gratitude and
 joy in moments of terror. To feel this vulnerable means you are alive. 
Believe you're enough, when we work from a place
 that we believe we're enough, we stop screaming and start listening, 
we are kinder and gentler to those around us and to ourselves."
- Brene Brown 

I came to a realisation recently that there is a real sense of vulnerability in what I do here. Despite the various images and styles I portray, ironically there is a face with The Faceless Style. People tend to be chameleons in life (to various degrees). We present a different side of ourselves, visually and mentally, depending on who we are interacting with, whether that be our parents, our siblings, our friends or our bosses. The real vulnerability here is this, there is nothing for me to hide behind. You read these honest words as I have typed them, and you see these photos as I have placed them here, the same ones seen by my parents, my parents' friends, my siblings, my siblings' friends, my friends, and so forth.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015


Brunch /brʌn(t)ʃ/ noun 
 'A late morning meal eaten instead of breakfast and lunch'
- Oxford Dictionary 

Taking over like a denim trend from the 60's, brunch is the new 'craze'; a portmanteau of 'breakfast' and 'lunch'. Surprisingly enough, 'brunch' has been in the Oxford Dictionary since the late 19th century, unlike 'binge-watch' which has only recently been added (yes that's officially in there too now).

Brunch is an excuse to overindulge, and overpay for bacon and eggs. Unfortunately, or not, I haven't completely hopped onto the fairy bandwagon. I've never been the one to follow crazes just for the sake of 'because'. But that isn't to say I don't go on brunch dates with my babes. Brunch is an incredible social activity to bond over, a ritual you could possibly even say. So much sauce is spilt over Eggs Benedict. What better time to spill the goss about late last night than the next morning when the memory is still thriving fresh in your eager mind.

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