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Tuesday, 16 February 2016


''I think anybody who falls in love is a freak. It's a crazy thing to do. 
It's kind of like a form of socially acceptable insanity."
- Amy (Her)

Sharing deep thoughts on a platform like this is risky, I have yet to master how much to reveal of my personal life. But my purpose has always been, from the very beginning, to inspire and I am sure there is enough insecure people out there to encourage this fortnight's article. For those who suffer from 'flight risk' when things get too serious with someone, where you become a risk of dropping everything and leaving with no explanation, I feel you. People easily lose themselves in emotionally vulnerable situations. I have never carried any insecurity in myself, but I have had for some time carried a deep insecurity in the whole idea of committing to another person because everything seems to fall apart so easily. To put your heart and soul into something so flaky is insanity but "it's like a socially acceptable form of insanity". Never in my life have I seen anything more fragile.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016


"If you've never jumped from one couch to the other
 to avoid the lava, you've never had a childhood."

So many beautiful memories rest in the 90's, bringing back moments of simplicity and joy. How sad it is that kids these days are stuck inside with screens glaring into their eyeballs. Days of playing princesses roaming the gardens certainly bring back some sweet memories (though I really have polar personalities even as a child because I was also that tomboy who threw live snails onto bitumen with my brothers). And who better to share these reminiscent moments with than my childhood babe Jiaxin from The Food Enthusiast. You may recognise her from one of my previous articles: Brunch Babe. We recently caught up with one another again and thought why not take advantage of our time together: another photo-shoot moment it is!

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